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Icons are graphic symbols that are used to represent concepts, objects or actions.

Our icons

The list below shows all the available icons in our icons library.

  • Age limit

    • Over 16 Filled

    • Over 18 Filled

    • Over 21 Filled

  • Alert & Info

    • Alert Circle

    • Alert Circle Filled

    • Alert Triangle

    • Alert Triangle Filled

    • Help Circle

    • Help Circle Filled

    • Info Circle

    • Info Circle Filled

    • Info Marker

  • App

    • App Order

    • App Restaurant

    • App Success

    • App Users

  • Arrow

    • Arrow Down

    • Arrow Left

    • Arrow Right

    • Arrow Up

    • Arrow Up Left

    • Arrow Down Circle

    • Arrow Down Circle Filled

    • Arrow In Circle

    • Arrow Out Circle

  • Audiovisual (AV)

    • Camera

    • Headset

    • Image

    • Image Filled

    • Image Add

    • Megaphone

    • Microphone

    • Sound On

    • Sound On Filled

    • Sound Off

    • Pause

    • Pause Circle

    • Pause Circle Filled

    • Play

    • Play Circle

    • Play Circle Filled

  • Bag & Basket

    • Backpack

    • Bag

    • Bag Filled

    • Basket

  • Benefits

    • Gift

    • Gift Filled

    • Gift Card

    • Meal Voucher

    • Meal Voucher Filled

    • Offer

    • Offer Star

    • Offer Star Filled

    • Voucher

    • Voucher Filled

  • Brand

    • Brand Highlight

  • Calendar

    • Calendar

    • Calendar Filled

    • Calendar Add

    • Calendar Alert

    • Calendar Day

    • Calendar Edit

    • Calendar Error

    • Calendar Repeat

    • Calendar Star

  • Caret

    • Caret Down

    • Caret Down Filled

    • Caret Left

    • Caret Left Filled

    • Caret Right

    • Caret Right Filled

    • Caret Up

    • Caret Up Filled

  • Chat

    • Chat

    • Chat Filled

    • Chat Bot

    • Chat Conversation

    • Chat Heart

    • Chat Help

  • Chevron

    • Chevron Down

    • Chevron Left

    • Chevron Right

    • Chevron Up

    • Chevron Double Left

    • Chevron Double Right

    • Chevron Split

  • Communication

    • Copy

    • Copy Filled

    • Email

    • Email Filled

    • Send

    • Share

  • Controls

    • Checkbox

    • Checkbox Selected

    • Radio

    • Radio Selected

  • Corporate

    • Chart Increase

    • Chart Marker

    • Employee Search

    • Hand Coins

    • Hand Heart

    • ID Card

    • Office

    • Pie Chart

    • Presentation Chart

    • Target

    • Vision

  • Currency

    • Conversion Rate

    • Conversion Rate Filled

    • Dollar

    • Euro

    • Lei

    • Lev

    • Pound

    • Shekel

    • Swiss Franc

  • Dietary

    • Celery

    • Crustaceans

    • Eggs

    • Fish

    • Gluten

    • Kosher

    • Lupin

    • Milk

    • Molluscs

    • Mustard

    • Nuts

    • Peanuts

    • Sesame Seeds

    • Soybeans

    • Spicy

    • Sulphites

    • Vegan

    • Vegetarian

    • Vegetarian Filled

  • Documents

    • Consent

    • Cookie Policy

    • Document

    • Terms and Conditions

  • Elements

    • Fire

    • Lightning

    • Moon

    • Snowflake

    • Sun

    • Temp

  • Eye

    • Eye On

    • Eye On Filled

    • Eye Off

    • Eye Off Filled

  • Flags

    • Australia

    • Austria

    • Belgium

    • Bulgaria

    • Canada

    • Denmark

    • France

    • Germany

    • Israel

    • Italy

    • Luxembourg

    • Netherlands

    • New Zealand

    • Norway

    • Poland

    • Portugal

    • Romania

    • Slovakia

    • Spain

    • Switzerland

    • United Kingdom

    • United States

  • Food

    • Food

    • Food Filled

    • Alcohol

    • Alcohol Filled

    • Curry

    • Drink

    • Fried Chicken

    • Fries

    • Ice Cream

    • Kebab

    • Kebab Bowl

    • Nachos

    • Noodles

    • Pizza

    • Salad

    • Sandwich

    • Sushi

    • Taco

    • Wrap

  • Fullscreen

    • Fullscreen Expand

    • Fullscreen Exit

  • Functionality

    • Bookmark

    • Bookmark Filled

    • Check

    • Check Circle

    • Check Circle Filled

    • Close

    • Close Circle

    • Close Circle Filled

    • Image Flip Horizontal

    • Image Flip Vertical

    • Minus

    • Minus Circle

    • Minus Circle Filled

    • Plus

    • Plus Circle

    • Plus Circle Filled

    • Drag

    • Edit

    • Edit Filled

    • Filters

    • Filters Filled

    • Grid View

    • Grid View Filled

    • More Horizontal

    • More Vertical

    • Layers

    • List

    • Log Out

    • Menu

    • Navigation Collapse

    • Navigation Expand

    • Note

    • Refresh

    • Resize

    • Restricted

    • Restricted

    • Restricted Filled

    • Search

    • Settings

    • Settings Filled

    • Sort

    • Sort Ascending

    • Sort Descending

    • Switch Product

    • Sync

    • Trash

    • Trash Filled

  • Home

    • House

    • House Filled

  • Language

    • Language

    • Translate Filled

    • Link

    • Unlink

    • External Link

  • Location

    • Geolocation

    • Geolocation Filled

    • Geolocation Circle

    • Geolocation Circle Filled

    • Location Pin

    • Location Pin Filled

    • Location Pin Food

    • Location Pin Food Filled

    • Location Pin Restaurant

    • Location Pin User

    • Location Restaurant

    • Location Target

    • Map

    • Route Pin

  • Lock

    • Key

    • Key Unlock

    • Lock

  • Miscellaneous

    • Bakery

    • Ballot Box

    • Beauty

    • Books

    • Bulb Lightning

    • Cleaning

    • Clothing

    • Convenience

    • Directions

    • DIY

    • Electronic Accessories

    • Flag

    • Flowers

    • Fresh Food

    • Gifts

    • Grocery

    • Hi-Vis

    • High Contrast

    • Law

    • Loading

    • Paintbrush

    • Pet Supplies

    • Pet Supplies Alt

    • Pharmacy

    • Pharmacy Alt

    • QR code

    • Recycle

    • Shops

    • Sponsored Filled

    • Stationery

    • Toilet

    • Toys Games

    • Tutorial

    • Cannabis

    • Building Blocks

    • Pacifier

    • Experiment

  • Notifications

    • Notification

    • Notification Filled

    • Notification Off

  • Number

    • Number Symbol

    • Numero Symbol

  • Online

    • Cloud

    • Cloud Download

    • Cloud Error

    • Cloud Success

    • Cloud Upload

    • Download

    • Upload

    • Network Error

    • RSS

    • WiFi

    • WiFi Alert

  • Pay

    • Account Credit

    • Barcode

    • Budget Add

    • Cash

    • Cash Filled

    • Cash Card

    • Cash Card Filled

    • Cheque

    • Cheque Filled

    • Credit Card

    • Credit Card Filled

    • Credit Card Home

    • Credit Card Home Filled

    • Coins

    • Coins Filled

    • Instant Bank

    • Instant Bank Filled

    • Pin Home

    • Pin Home Filled

    • Pin Code

    • Service Charge

    • Takeaway Pay

    • Takeaway Pay Filled

    • Unpaid

    • Wallet

    • Wallet Filled

    • Wallet Add

  • People

    • Face Happy

    • User

    • User Filled

    • User Circle

    • User Circle Filled

    • User Add

    • User Community

    • User Group

    • User Highlight

    • User Marker

    • User Partnership

    • User Repeat

    • User Shield

    • Users

    • Baby Kid

  • PIE

    • Components

    • Engineers

    • Foundations

    • Patterns

    • Pie

  • Placeholder

    • Placeholder

  • Reaction

    • Heart

    • Heart Filled

    • Star

    • Star Half Filled

    • Star Filled

    • Star Circle

    • Star Circle Filled

  • Restaurant

    • Collect

    • Cutlery

    • Cutlery Circle Filled

    • Cutlery Filled

    • Delivery Fee

    • Dine In

    • Dish

    • Food Ready

    • Management

    • Order

    • Order Filled

    • Pick Up

    • Prepare

    • Prepare Bag

    • Prepare Pause

    • Receipt

    • Receipt Error

    • Receipt Success

    • Restaurant

    • Restaurant Filled

    • Restaurant Menu

    • Review

    • Sign Closed

  • Ribbon

    • Ribbon Heart

    • Ribbon Success

    • Ribbon Star

  • StampCard

    • Percentage

    • StampCard

    • StampCard Filled

    • StampCard 10

    • StampCard 10 Filled

  • Social

    • Facebook Static

    • Facebook Circle

    • Facebook Circle Filled

    • Instagram Static

    • Instagram Circle

    • Instagram Circle Filled

    • Twitter Static

    • Twitter Circle

    • Twitter Circle Filled

    • YouTube Static

    • YouTube Circle

    • YouTube Circle Filled

    • Apple

    • Apple Circle

    • Apple Circle Filled

    • Google Static

    • Google Circle

    • Google Circle Filled

    • Pinterest Static

    • Pinterest Circle

    • Pinterest Circle Filled

    • LinkedIn Static

    • LinkedIn Circle

    • LinkedIn Circle Filled

    • Microsoft Static

    • Microsoft Circle

    • Microsoft Circle Filled

    • Blogger Static

    • Blogger Circle

    • Blogger Circle Filled

    • Android Static

    • Android Circle

    • Android Circle Filled

  • Technology

    • At Symbol

    • Atom

    • Battery

    • Bug

    • Fingerprint

    • Google Voice

    • Laptop

    • Laptop Error

    • Laptop Success

    • Laptop Highlight

    • Phone

    • Phone Filled

    • Phone Off

    • Printer

    • Printer Filled

    • Laptop Filled

  • Thumbs

    • Thumbs Up

    • Thumbs Up Filled

    • Thumbs Down

    • Thumbs Down Filled

  • Time

    • Clock

    • Clock Filled

    • Clock Add

    • Clock Alert

    • Clock Refresh

    • Stopwatch

    • Stopwatch Filled

  • Travel & Transport

    • Bike

    • Bike Filled

    • Car

    • Car Clock

    • Dashboard

    • Dashboard Filled

    • Driver Car

    • Driver Moped

    • Helmet

    • Moped

    • Plane

    • Rocket Ship

    • Walking

    • World