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Getting started

In this section you’ll find everything you need to get you up and running with the PIE design system for engineers.

PIE Component Systems

Currently, JET has several officially supported component systems that implement PIE.

  • Fozzie – a set of Vue components created by the legacy Just Eat web team
  • Snacks – a set of React components created by the legacy Takeaway design system team
  • Skip PIE Project – a set of React components created by the Skip web team

We are also currently building the PIE Web Component System. The long-term aim will be to migrate JET teams over to this Web Component System, so we have one single source of truth for our global PIE components.

For more details on Fozzie, Snacks and Skip PIE, please check out the documentation portals linked above.

PIE project structure

The PIE Monorepo

As we look to consolidate our PIE components and tools, we wanted to ensure that all globally created components, tools and standards lived in a single place. That place is the PIE Monorepo.

The PIE Monorepo is currently organised into two distinct sections; apps and packages.

The Apps folder

Projects that live in the /apps folder are self-contained web applications that can be published and hosted on a server.

For instance, the code for the documentation site lives inside the apps folder, as does the PIE Web Component Storybook.

The Packages folder

The /packages folder contains all the shareable packages that can be installed and used by engineers across JET (available via NPM).

This folder is currently split into two categories; Components and Tools.

The /packages/components directory is where our global PIE Web Component packages can be found, such as pie-button.

The /packages/tools directory contains helper packages that provide a specific piece of functionality used by components or more generally across the monorepo. Examples include the PIE icon packages – pie-icons, pie-icons-vue and pie-icons-react – and extendable config for tools such as Stylelint and ESlint