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Getting started

In this section you’ll find everything you need to know to get up and running with the PIE design system.


Figma is PIE’s design tool of choice for building our design system. All design-related foundations, components and assets are stored in Figma libraries and files. This is to ensure the whole digital ecosystem can be accessed by any team.

We recommend you use Figma through the desktop app. If Figma’s desktop app is not installed on your computer, get in touch with your manager to request this.

As a designer within the Just Eat Takeaway organisation, you’ll automatically have access to all of PIE’s libraries and files. If you don't have access, please get in touch with the PIE team to request it.

How is PIE structured?

PIE is split into three parts: foundations, components and assets. Each of these are arranged into libraries, so they can be easily found and referenced.

You'll need to enable these libraries in Figma if you want to use the PIE design system in your products.

A map of how PIE libraries are structured in Figma.

Foundation libraries

Foundations are the building blocks of our design system. They are owned by PIE designers and are consistent across components, products and pillars.

They include colour, typography, elevation, radius, spacing and others.

Foundations themes are available in the PIE 3.0 library, featuring light and dark modes using Figma Variables.

Core Components libraries

Core components are the pieces we use to create JET products. They are owned by PIE designers and are consistent across components, products and pillars.

They include buttons, labels, chips, input fields and more.

Core Components are split into two libraries. PIE 3.0 App Component and PIE 3.0 Web Component library, featuring light and dark modes using Figma Variables.

Asset libraries

Assets are the images we use across JET products, such as icons and illustrations. They are owned by PIE designers in collaboration with the JET Creative Studio (Brand team).

Business Area libraries

Business area libraries contain components which are unique to a specific business area, such as Customer, Partner or Operations.

These libraries are owned by designers in the relevant business area. PIE designers will occasionally review these libraries to ensure the components are consistent with the main component libraries.

Learn more about how PIE supports these libraries.

Additional guidelines

If you need more detail on JET's visual and verbal standards, you've come to the right place.